Thursday, 7 September 2006

Sleeping like a baby.

Just this week I have started to sleep the WHOLE night without asking Mum to get up and feed me. So, I can sleep from 7pm until 7am (12 hours). After I have a feed I am tired again so I go back to sleep for at least another hour. Then I wake up for an hour and then back to sleep for another hour. That's 14 hours sleep and it's not even lunch time yet! I usually have two shorter afternoon naps as well. Jeepers creepers it's hard work being a baby. We should get paid for this. Anyone know the contact number for the BUV (Babies Union of Victoria)?

Friday, 1 September 2006


Hi everyone. Welcome to my blog. I turn 5 months old on Sunday. Today I discovered that I could roll from my back on to my stomach and then keep going to my back again. The first time I did this I rolled all the way off my mat, off the rug and onto the floor boards. My head went clunk and Mum came running. It was funny.