Tuesday, 12 December 2006

Watermelon girl.

A good friend of mine introduced me to watermelon. I cannot express how much I love this stuff. I think the pictures speak for themselves.

Monday, 11 December 2006

Far too busy.

Hi fans. I've been much too busy lately to post anything. I'm 8 months old now. I've been learning to sit, drink from a bottle, keep mum and dad up for hours at a time in the middle of the night, make many noises such as "dadadaaaa", "bouwbouw", and many other things. Mum and Dad bought a new laptop...an essential item apparently. Mum and I took the photo above using the computer. Mum's pretty clever I think. Anyway, better go. Things to do, people to see and smile at.

Monday, 9 October 2006

Prison blues.

Guess what?! If I flap my arm when I'm in my cot and I'm holding my dummy, it runs along the bars of the cot. This seems to make a great kind of clackety-clackety-clack noise. I like this! Mum does too I think because she came in to have a look and she smiled. I think I might do it again.

Friday, 6 October 2006

Yum yum in my tum.

I've been introduced to the wonders of that stuff called food. How strange is it!!?? All this matter that gets put in my mouth and I swallow it and it makes me stay alive. Great concept. So far I've had cereal, apple, yoghurt, sweet potato, potato, and banana. Bring it all on!

Thursday, 5 October 2006


Yesterday I discovered that if I squeeze my hand around my horse toy thing it goes squeek and if I keep doing it it goes squeek-squeek-squeek etc etc. Pretty cool. You should try it.

I've been thinking that it's a bit arrogant to post pictures of yourself on your blog just because they are cute. Oh well. It's the one time in my life...

Thursday, 7 September 2006

Sleeping like a baby.

Just this week I have started to sleep the WHOLE night without asking Mum to get up and feed me. So, I can sleep from 7pm until 7am (12 hours). After I have a feed I am tired again so I go back to sleep for at least another hour. Then I wake up for an hour and then back to sleep for another hour. That's 14 hours sleep and it's not even lunch time yet! I usually have two shorter afternoon naps as well. Jeepers creepers it's hard work being a baby. We should get paid for this. Anyone know the contact number for the BUV (Babies Union of Victoria)?

Friday, 1 September 2006


Hi everyone. Welcome to my blog. I turn 5 months old on Sunday. Today I discovered that I could roll from my back on to my stomach and then keep going to my back again. The first time I did this I rolled all the way off my mat, off the rug and onto the floor boards. My head went clunk and Mum came running. It was funny.